How Developing Countries Can Use Bitcoin and Blockchain

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries beyond finance, making it highly exciting. Platforms like Trading bot leverage top-notch trading tools and analysis to provide better insights into bitcoin trading to beginners.

The increasing adoption and value of cryptocurrencies have attracted traditional investors to this breakthrough technology. However, blockchain’s capabilities extend beyond just cryptocurrency storage.

Its secure and transparent transaction feature can significantly change how various industries conduct business.

How Developing Countries Can Use Bitcoin and Blockchain

Blockchain technology can potentially change many industries, including those of developing nations. In addition, its decentralized nature can offer several advantages to countries with struggling economies.

This article will explore how blockchain can help stabilize economies and aid development by analyzing its transparency, security, and access to financial services capabilities.

These attributes of blockchain technology can significantly impact the lives of individuals residing in developing countries.

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Benefits Of Blockchain Technology

Every transaction is recorded and immutable in a distributed digital ledger that forms the foundation of blockchain technology. The fact that blockchains are decentralized and permissionless is even more significant. But what does this mean?

A blockchain network is decentralized if one organisation cannot control it. A suitable consensus reached by hundreds of individuals and verifiers governs it. Therefore, the procedure of the payments system cannot be suddenly changed by either an administration or a central bank.

Nobody can place constraints on who has access to blockchain assistance, which is what is meant by “permissionless.” These channels are open to use by anybody, anyplace in the globe.

The innovation is highly resistant to prohibition because all that is needed is an internet service and a wallet widget.

Blockchain Applications In Developing Nations

Blockchain technology can have significant effects quickly because of how interconnected the world is today. Developing nations like Bangladesh may benefit from the technology more quickly than they did from earlier ground-breaking innovations.

Blockchains have the potential to upend entire sectors of the economy, even in developing nations.

Below are a few examples of such applications:


It is the use case where blockchain first gained traction. Developing nations like Bangladesh can test such currencies in closed, token-based systems to increase transparency in customs, government, and the law.


One of the most lauded uses of blockchain technology is tracking tangible goods throughout the supply chain. High-value items like diamonds are being tracked globally throughout their lifecycle by companies like Ever ledger to put this into practice.

Furthermore, even established behemoths like Walmart are joining the fray. The business is experimenting with blockchain software to ensure food security along the entire chain of production.

Since the authenticity of goods is a significant issue in developing nations like Bangladesh, implementing blockchains may prioritize this issue.

Sectors like tracking the food supply chain, government open market sales, and import-export customs transactions may be important ones to keep an eye on.

How Developing Countries Can Use Bitcoin and Blockchain


Blockchain technology can transform how businesses in the service sector, from financial institutions to law firms, operate. Decentralized, secure, and quick service transactions may be made possible.

By automating legal processes, customs payments, ownership transfers, and business transactions and allowing extensive disintermediation across industries, developing nations like Bangladesh can outpace peers in institutional development if appropriately implemented.


Blockchains offer the potential for a decentralized, open, immutable, and consensus-driven ledger of records that might one day render intermediaries unnecessary.

The Estonian E-Citizenship Program, which stores citizen data on a blockchain, is a pioneering example. However, the use of technology can be expanded to encompass organizational data.

Smart Businesses

Intelligent contracts created on top of blockchains will enable the concept of “smart organizations.” Intelligent contracts are self-running, event-triggered programs. One example is when a smart contract triggers automatic payment after a good is delivered.

It can be developed into a scenario where entire organizations, political or commercial, are managed and run on the blockchain.

These will follow naturally from adopting blockchain technology on a large scale and will be necessary for developing nations like Bangladesh to increase transparency and open up new market opportunities throughout the economy.

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In developing countries, Blockchain innovation has had a significant influence on the banking industry. Blockchain will benefit developing nations by decreasing fraud and corruption and increasing legal property titles, giving the world’s poorest people entrepreneurial opportunities.