Server Mistakes And What Do They Mean

In this article, we will discuss the most common server mistakes that are connected directly to the client’s requests. These errors are related to the group called 5xx.

Such errors on VPS ALMALINUX or any other OS can lead to serious issues, due to the fact that it harms the users’ experience. When a client enters any kind of online store, it is expected to have smooth functioning and functionality, but not server errors.

Once a user experiences any kind of such an issue then he/she will most likely switch to the competitor of this shop. That means that your traffic will gradually lessen, because of the obvious reasons.

Server Mistakes And What Do They Mean

Except for the individual user experience, search engines’ ratings will also fall.  If these 5xx errors occur a couple of times, there is nothing extremely fearful. However, when such issues are happening regularly it will surely influence your rating.

So, in this article, you will get helpful information about these errors, what leads to such troubles, and How To fix them.

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Do Server Errors Hurt Your Search Engine Rating?

Well, except influencing the general users’ experience such troubles will surely lead to worsening SEO performance, and here are the major reasons for that:

  • Crawler (a program used by search engines to get specific information) that gets server mistakes will definitely lessen the crawl budget. Once you have a low budget, it will lead to slowness in the indexation and (re)indexation of the content. When the content is not indexed then it will not be ranked.
  • If the crawler gets errors while on the site, why would it be rated high? It is rather understandable that the rating will be lowered or in some cases – the Website can be fully deleted from the search results. That will surely influence the traffic of the platform.      
  • When such errors appear regularly, there won’t be a chance to rate this platform. No one will get access to this content.

It doesn’t matter how unique the content is, or how many links you have used, if there are constant errors then your platform may not be rated on any of the search engines.

The Most Frequent Server Mistakes

  • 500 – Internal trouble within the server. This issue means that there is a problem in the request processing. Usually, it occurs because of soft incompatibilities or bugs, but there might be hundreds of other explanations for this thing.
  • 524 – timeout happened. This issue shows when the site (original server) isn’t responding. This is a really frequent trouble that happens more regularly than others.
  • 502 – this error occurs because the upstream server isn’t functioning as required. Such kind of server usually includes CGI and Apps’ components.
  • 504 – this trouble happens when the server (that functions as a proxy or gateway) doesn’t get a response from another server in the needed time frame.
  • 503 – this means that the server is not accessible, but it’s a temporary issue.    
  • 509 – that means that the site has reached the limitations of the bandwidth and it is not available for online users. Such issue usually occurs on the shared servers.

How To Determine These Errors?

There are several good methods that can help to determine these issues and in the long run, you can also prevent some server errors. For flawless functioning, you’d better utilize a monitoring system that functions 24/7.

Server Mistakes And What Do They Mean

For the purposes of monitoring and alerts, you may use ContentKing. In case of any possible problem, you will be notified via Slack or email address. Another good option for monitoring is Google Search Console. It can be easily set up in just a couple of steps.

A really helpful thing is crawl stats that you can get in the search console. There will be listed all the responses from the crawl so that you can take this feedback into consideration.

One more variant for monitoring is server log files. Of course, it will be a little more difficult, but you will get a detailed picture of all the errors.

What are The Major Reasons for These Mistakes?

To have a broader understanding of why such errors occur, let’s discuss on what levels these troubles can happen:

  • App (Magento or WordPress)
  • CDN (Akamai)
  • Plugin (optimization of the page speed)
  • Web server (nginx)
  • Programming language (NET)

As for the 500 issue, it usually happens because of code bugs. Another reason may relate to the troubles with the updates. When some of the plugins are not compatible then you will have this error.

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Errors 504 and 502 happen because of crashed back-ends such as for instance CGI components. When the back-end isn’t functioning then it won’t produce any results.

To get a better performance of the server, you’d better conduct regular monitoring and check server log files together with regular debugging. Also, try to determine the major reasons which are causing these problems.