Most Liked ‘Rice Purity Test Questions Defined – Part 2’

The rice purity test is, as everyone knows, a form of test that aids in the development of an enticing and outstanding personality. In order to learn more about the individuals they would be surrounded by, the college’s new students take this Rice Purity Test.

Aside from that, it’s not required. In addition, some people approach this exam with a sense of humor. Part 2 of the Rice Purity Test questions will be discussed here. All of the exam questions are included below.

Distinct categories were covered in the previous two sections of the rice purity test, with questions from 41 to 60 advancing that focus on a different type. That said, you’re going to love this.

The Rice Purity Test is a term that has been floating around social media platforms, college dorm rooms, and friendship circles for years. Yet, despite its prevalence, there is often some confusion about what the test really entails and what a “good” score signifies.

In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of the Rice Purity Test, diving into its origins, its questions, and the implications of your score.

What is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is a self-graded survey that aims to measure the participant’s level of ‘innocence’ in matters like sex, drugs, deceit, and other activities generally considered “taboo.” Originating at Rice University, the test initially served as a bonding experience among college freshmen to see how their life experiences would evolve over their college years.


The test consists of 100 questions, each asking the participant if they have engaged in specific activities. The questions range from innocent activities like holding hands and kissing to more adult themes like drug use and sexual encounters.


Your score is calculated based on the number of statements you mark off as ‘yes’, resulting in a number between 0 and 100. The higher your score, the ‘purer’ you are considered to be, according to the test’s criteria.

Question 11 – Had the Police Called on You?

For many years, it has been widely accepted that people who are called by the police for any criminal activities are a bad reflection of their character. It should go without saying that the police will only summon you if you violate a rule or break the law in some other way.

This is a violation of both the law and morals, such as if the authorities find you listening to your speakers at a high volume while it is still dark out. You should therefore attempt to prevent it. Your personality will improve as a result of the Rice Purity Test.

Question 12 – Have You Seen A Dancer?

You have complete freedom in answering this question. As an example, you’ve never had a lap dance from a stripper before. It’s all just a lot of fun.

Question 13 – Have You Been Convicted of A Felony?

An example of a felony would be committing a heinous crime, such as murder. By now, you should be aware that any criminal record is indicative of your character flaws, and I don’t think I have to tell you that.

If a person has been found guilty of a felony, it is obvious that they should not be around you. You are a criminal if you have committed a crime. Moreover, no one wants a criminal as a friend. Furthermore, it is well-known that students in high school commit several errors as they engage in various extracurricular activities, such as smoking marijuana.

To prevent themselves from committing any crimes or felonies, individuals must realize that they must set boundaries for themselves. By not doing so they will improve their score in Rice Purity Test.

Question 14 – Joined The Mile High Club?

Here’s something that’s a little more intimate. However, as has already been said, the rice purity test is just conducted in a playful manner. In addition, it’s not a particularly severe assessment.

To add insult to injury, many people take this test for the sake of a good laugh. The mile-high club, therefore, alludes to an activity that takes place at a high altitude, such as climbing or mountaineering.

Question 15 – Ever Been Suspended or Put on Disciplinary Probation?

If you’ve ever been accused of disciplinary probation or have been suspended, this is a terrible sign of your character, not a positive one. Generally, students get suspended from school for committing some sort of unethical act by accident. Having a letter of suspension is also deemed bad.

A person should never partake in an activity that is disruptive or a distraction from their work. Because of this, one should constantly avoid situations that detract from etiquette. Furthermore, students should abstain from pulling any sort of prank on anyone.

Question 16 – Have You Gone Skinny Dipping?

Skinny dipping is the practice of stripping down to one’s underwear and then taking a swim in a nearby brook. As a result, this is merely a generic inquiry. Furthermore, one must be a trustworthy individual to do this. Additionally, the person should have extensive knowledge of the area.

Question 17 – Have You Urinated in Public?

In this country, urinating in public is seen as a bad omen. Furthermore, it’s not a good way to conduct yourself. According to every law enforcement agency, urinating is a criminal offense in all jurisdictions around the world.

This will lower your score on the rice purity test. Defendants are also held accountable for their actions. Being found doing this is grounds for prosecution because it is a crime. In addition, your actions demonstrate a disregard for the law. As a result, one should never do this.

Question 18 – Have You Held Hands Romantically?

Holding hands with a love partner is now a common occurrence. You’ve probably seen couples holding hands with a sense of affection. This is also a wonderful feeling because you’re with the person you care about the most.

Rice Purity Test Questions Defined Part 2

Question 19 – Run From The Police?

Now, I think it’s a horrible idea to flee from the cops. Inquiring minds want to know the reason for this. I’m saying this for two basic reasons. First and foremost, there is no reason to flee from the authorities if you have done nothing wrong or are in violation of the law.

For the simple reason that only those who run from the law are to blame. The only time you should run away from the police is if they accuse you of a crime since you know you’re innocent and know that if they find you, you’ll be beaten even more.

Even if you initially surrender to the police, they may choose not to say anything to you. If, on the other hand, you try to be clever and flee, the location will locate you and beat you much more severely.

Question 20  – Ever Been Handcuffed?

Have you ever had your hands cuffed by the law? It’s a fantastic idea if that’s the case. A manacled person is someone who has engaged in unlawful activity at some point.

Question 21 – Faked Sobriety to Parents or Teachers?

Sobriety is now understood to refer to the condition of sobriety. In addition, it entails seriousness and sanity. If you have a dry sense of humor, that will work in your favor here. It’s because people are drawn to someone with a calm demeanor. As a result, one should strive to be dry at all times.

A positive sign would be if you were honest about your sobriety. In addition, it is permissible to consume alcohol, but only in moderation. Some people are so intoxicated that they are unaware of their behaviors and deeds. This will lead them to trouble, and they can’t score well on the rice purity test. However, the rice purity test score meaning is where you stand ethically.

As a result, one must avoid becoming intoxicated as frequently as possible. You’ll never have to pretend to be sober again if you do this. After studying all these points you can check your rice purity test score. We wish you luck.

What is a Good Score on the Rice Purity Test?

Interpreting the results of the Rice Purity Test can be subjective and varies from person to person, depending on their perspective on what constitutes ‘innocence’ or ‘experience.’

Score Ranges:

  • High Score (70-100): A higher score suggests that the individual is less experienced in activities that are generally considered taboo. This is often interpreted as being ‘pure’ or ‘innocent.’
  • Mid-Range Score (50-69): A mid-range score usually indicates a moderate level of life experiences, possibly including some that are considered ‘risky’ or ‘taboo.’
  • Low Score (0-49): A lower score on the Rice Purity Test may signify that the individual has a broader range of experiences, including activities considered socially or morally ‘taboo.’

Cultural and Social Factors

It’s essential to recognize that the concept of a ‘good’ score is often subjective and culturally dependent. What might be considered a ‘good’ score for some could be viewed differently by others based on their cultural, social, or ethical beliefs.


The Rice Purity Test is a cultural phenomenon that has sparked interest and debate for years. Its set of 100 questions seeks to measure the ‘purity’ or ‘innocence’ of the participant in various life experiences.

While some might consider a high score as ‘good’ due to its association with innocence, others might have different opinions based on cultural or personal beliefs. Remember, the Rice Purity Test is more of a social exercise than a scientific measure. Your score doesn’t define you; rather, it’s a snapshot of certain experiences up to a specific point in your life.