5 Best ‘Android Launchers’ In 2023

There is a certain manner for arranging, assembling, and associating with the various applications on Android. This method is carried out with the help of a launcher. Generally, they comprise a bunch of home screens, where we add shortcuts and widgets of our choices. Although every phone has a launcher, not every user may be comfortable with their default one.

Android launchers are the talk of the tech world for a good reason: they offer an immediate makeover to your Android device, both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. With so many launchers available in the market, it’s important to understand what they are, their benefits, and whether they are safe to use.

This article provides a detailed overview, including insights into speed, battery usage, RAM consumption, and safety features of Android launchers.

What is Android Launchers?

An Android launcher is essentially a home screen replacement for your Android device. It allows you to customize your device’s home screen, app icons, and even the app drawer. By installing a launcher, you can infuse new life into your smartphone’s user interface without altering any system settings.

5 Best Android Launchers In 2023

So, in order to satisfy its customers, Android has launched a lot of such applications. Here is a list of some of the best Android Launchers of 2023:

1. Smart Launcher 5

An app that guarantees its customers a ‘tidy’ look, it works effortlessly amazing on your phone. It lays out a user experience filled with wonderful customizations and effectiveness.

Plus, it also ensures that its presence increases the speed of the android. It even facilitates all your tasks with ease.Its feature of mechanized sorting all the applications and icons is something very useful in today’s generation.

With this fast-paced world, it is no less than a blessing for the ones who don’t even have time to go thoroughly with their phones. Its Smart Search accurately finds you out what you are searching for, without wasting any time.

2. Action Launcher

Beautify your android with this marvelous application. With a delightful color palette, it adds life to your phone. The customizable changes are such that one can view time, date, weather conditions, news, notifications, and many more at a glance.

It helps you add widgets almost immediately with ease. Whenever you search for an app, it automatically presents the related apps and puts them in front of you in a specific manner. This allows you to go for that particular icon without actually searching for it. Furthermore, it supports importing layouts from other launchers like Nova, HTC Sense, and many more.

3. Microsoft Launcher

This launcher motivates you in staying up-to-date and organized. It personalizes your phone in order to bring out the creativity within you. It even comprises the feature of reminding you of something by creating sticky notes in no time.

Plus, after using it for some time, if you feel like getting back to your original layout, you can easily do that too. It enhances your wallpaper with its captivating collection of images from Bing. If you want to switch to the dark mode at night, you can comfortably do that to prevent any strain on your eyes.

4. Niagara Launcher

This android launcher supports minimalism, i.e. creating wonders within a small space. It organizes your phone such that you can effectively access anything within it. It has the ability to get adjustable to your needs.

It will take the form of the way you love it to be. It opens any application smoothly without actually going for an app drawer. Its soothing wave animation carries out your tasks with ease.

Even in the case of notification, one not only can see the notification coming but also read it and respond accordingly. Nevertheless, it is considered one of the best app launchers among its users.

5. Lawnchair 2

A very influential android application, it methodizes everything in such a way that you can have whatever you want at a glance. It efficiently supports adaptive icons. It’s one of the most central features is its malleability towards the dock, drawer, and desktop.

It has appropriate bifurcations for its drawer, in the form of folders and tabs. It is very well integrated with the android recents and with Google Feed and Homefeeder. Its instinctive dark mode is something very relaxing. Nowadays, the flexibility of its Search bar is gaining popularity.

Which Android Launcher is the Fastest?

Speed is a significant consideration when choosing a launcher. Nova Launcher, Apex Launcher, and Action Launcher are some of the fastest Android launchers, boasting fluid animations and quick response times.

However, the speed can also be influenced by your device’s hardware and how you have set up the launcher.

Benefits of Android Launchers

1. Customization

The most apparent benefit is the level of customization. You can change icon packs, modify app drawers, and even implement 3D effects.

2. Efficient Organization

Some launchers come with smart folders and gesture controls, enabling you to organize your apps more efficiently.

3. Speed and Performance

A well-optimized launcher can even make your device feel faster than it is, thanks to smoother animations and quicker response times.

4. Extra Features

Some launchers offer extra functionalities like enhanced search features, built-in widgets, or integrated news feeds.

Is Android Launchers Safe?

The safety of Android launchers depends largely on the source from which you are downloading them. Stick to reputable sources like Google Play Store and avoid third-party stores. Most popular launchers have been around for years and have millions of downloads, indicating a level of trust.

Do Launchers Slow Down Phones?

Most modern launchers are optimized for speed and performance. However, running a poorly optimized launcher with unnecessary animations and features can slow down your device. So, choose wisely!

Do Launchers Drain Battery?

Battery drain is generally not a significant concern with well-designed Android launchers. Most of the reputed launchers are efficient and do not consume excessive battery power. Yet, if you notice a sudden drop in battery life after installing a launcher, it may be worth investigating.

Do Launchers Use RAM?

Just like any other app, launchers do use RAM. However, how much RAM a launcher uses varies widely. Modern Android launchers are optimized for minimal RAM usage, but running a launcher with a lot of widgets and features could consume more RAM.


This is a collection of the best Android Launchers in the android market. They let you make custom changes on your phone so that you can enjoy your mobile experience.

These applications provide a new life to mobile phones, which in turn would definitely change best-android-launcher.

Android launchers offer a fantastic way to customize your device and can even improve its performance if chosen wisely. While they are generally safe, efficient, and do not consume excessive battery or RAM, it’s crucial to download launchers from reputable sources to avoid any security risks.

With the right launcher, you can transform your Android experience for the better.