What Makes Blockchain Appealing to Developing Countries?

The lack of transparency in networks of developing countries has created the perfect storm for questionable traders to take advantage of emerging markets. Websites like this app serve the best UI and trading tools suitable for novices and professional bitcoin traders.

Decentralized technology, including blockchain implementation, may solve this problem. It will provide a way for these countries to have more control over their resources which is essential as they grow and develop.

Blockchain could be an answer to fraudulent activity that occurs along global supply chains in developing countries. By formulating a digital ledger of transactions and agreements through public consensus, these emerging economies can become more resilient against exploitation from cybercriminals who seek impoverished locations such as those found in Africa or Southeast Asia.


Many developing countries struggle to reconcile the conflicting demands placed on them by their growing economies and the international community. Blockchain may allow them to balance these competing interests more flexibly.

Blockchain Appealing to Developing Countries

With that said, it’s essential to consider if such a technology is necessary for many of these countries. Need help developing an effective supply chain management strategy with existing technology? If not, blockchain won’t gain widespread adoption in these countries.

The situation appears dire, considering that many of the largest tech companies are already falling short of improving supply chain transparency and security. Of course, blockchain will only be a cure-all in this situation. Still, it could bridge the gap between developing countries and the needed technology they need to manage their industries effectively.

Developing Countries are Considering Blockchain-Based Solutions

Development agencies have begun to take an interest in the blockchain potential of many emerging markets. For example, the government of South Africa has announced plans to test out a blockchain-based program that will enable people in impoverished areas to receive training and education regarding technology.

It has been made possible by financial support from the private sector as part of their Smart Cities initiative, which could allow for more effective use of this technology across developing nations.

These programs demonstrate an interest in applying blockchain technology to supply chain management issues in developing countries. It will be interesting to see if these nations continue down this path and if it yields the results they are hoping for.

Blockchain provides a more efficient way for companies to manage their supply chains and the countries responsible for producing each product. In this scenario, the whole world has access to the same data in real time, and there is no need for additional data collection or processing.

Blockchain will Help Eradicate Corruption

After blockchain begins being used across developing countries, people will become more aware of its benefits. It will lead to a more stable environment and make it easier for corrupt officials to keep their hands clean. Corruption in developing countries has a snowball effect because it makes it much harder for developing countries to grow their economies.

They must create effective value chain management strategies to turn their economies around. While economics is essential when considering the benefits of blockchain technology, people in emerging nations are also drawn to its potential to combat corruption in international trade.

This transparency will help emerging economies combat corruption in their international trade agreements and access products that would otherwise be inaccessible due to lower levels of education or infrastructure. In addition, it could lead to improved efficiencies and less corruption once these supply chains are entirely in place.

Blockchain can Revolutionize Voting in Developing Countries

Blockchain could affect emerging economies by helping them to monitor votes on a more secure and transparent platform. Currently, political voting is subject to manipulation by corrupt officials. It is common in areas with lower levels of education and infrastructure development.

Blockchain could eventually offer an alternative solution that provides more security for the voting process. It may prevent people from having their votes tampered with. In developing countries, blockchain can be used by people for health records; this helps with population control, improving health, and bringing down healthcare costs in these countries.

Blockchain will Reduce Terrorism in Developing Countries

Inefficiencies may create the perfect breeding ground for terrorist activities in these areas, which can be very costly and dangerous for the affected countries. The need to secure the borders is something that’s already been noticed by many nations today, especially after 9/11 when terrorist attacks took place on American soil. Blockchain technology could provide a solution.

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If one country successfully monitors every transaction on its activity chain, it will know when supplies are smuggled inside its borders or outside as part of an attack. The data collected would include location information allowing them to target and disrupt these terror cells when they need it most. Blockchain could help eliminate terror in developing countries by providing a more secure alternative to border patrols.


Blockchain technology is an ideal solution for the issues that many developing countries face daily. As we mentioned earlier, supply chain management is a complicated process that involves multiple parties and can sometimes lead to corruption. These issues are challenging to keep track of and require a lot of patience and resources, such as monitoring equipment on the borders and securing online assets in the case of hacks or data leaks.

The use of blockchain in supply chain management programs like those mentioned above could dramatically improve their efficiencies while also cutting down on corrupt activities.