Four sources familiar with the president’s health have confirmed that his illness from Covid-19 in October was more serious than initially reported.
This included low blood oxygen levels and a lung ailment related to pneumonia induced by the coronavirus.
Two persons acquainted with his illness have indicated that his prognosis grew so dire that he was thought to need to be put on a ventilator before he was brought to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
It was reported by those knowledgeable with Trump’s evaluation that his blood oxygen level had dropped into the 80s, which is extremely concerning.
When the percentage of oxygen in the blood drops below the low 90s, the disease has progressed significantly.
Trump’s Physician Was Worried About Trump’s Health
As Trump’s illness progressed, his doctor, Dr. Sean Conley, “repeatedly minimised” the severity of the situation.
Aside from that, he assured the press that even if Trump’s oxygen level had dipped to 93%, it had never fallen to the “low 80s.”
On two separate occasions before being brought to Walter Reed, Trump was given oxygen at the White House due to breathing difficulties.
While in office, Trump used a medication made by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, a biotech company.
Antibody cocktails, which helped those afflicted with the virus “fight it off,” were not commonly available at the time.
Hospitalized on Covid-19, Trump began a course of the steroid dexamethasone, which is often reserved for patients.
With the most severe or life-threatening forms of the disease, including those who require mechanical ventilation.
Antiviral medication remdesivir was administered to him for a period of five days. The New York Times said that at the time.
Medical specialists considered his medication course was a clear warning of serious concerns relating to his lungs.
Lung infiltrates, which Trump had, can be caused by germs or fluid in the lungs. Moreover, Trump’s blood oxygen level dropped into the 80s.
Whereas the CDC states that normal oxygen saturation is between 95% and 100%. The White House, however, never disclosed that Trump exhibited these symptoms.
Which indicate that he suffered from a much more severe case of COVID-19 than was previously known.
The Times cites two unnamed people saying that before Trump’s October 2 hospitalisation, officials expected to have to put him on a ventilator.