Top 11 EdTech Trends For 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI), immersive learning, and community-based solutions are trends that attract the world’s attention. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace. It is moving so fast that institutions need their support to keep up improving. What are the EdTech trends that shine bright in 2023?

1. Distance Learning

The concept of distance learning refers to all forms of teaching during which teachers and learners are not physically in the same place. It can take place in real time or offline. In both cases, it uses a wide range of multimedia content and digital features to enrich the lessons.

Top 11 EdTech Trends For 2023

Flexibility and diversity are probably the two words that best characterize these two formats. Distance learning can be customized to suit the needs of the teacher and, most importantly, the learner. Also, distance learning makes it habitual to search for nursing homework help when the learner needs to find a helper with nursing assignment or nursing paper.

2. Gamification

Less technological, gamification simply consists of integrating game elements (mainly video) into classrooms. It can take the form of game challenges, but also point systems and rewards to motivate students.

For teachers, gamification will also be an excellent medium to assess learners’ progress. And this, in a more benevolent and less stigmatizing way than the traditional grading system. Other services, such as Google Classroom, for example, will allow teachers to create programs from scratch.

3. Internet of Things (IoT)

Simply put, IoT refers to the network of devices connected to the Internet. This naturally includes computers, tablets, and smartphones. It also comprises a whole new generation of objects that can receive or send information via an internet connection.

In our homes, this could be a fridge or a connected light bulb that can be controlled remotely via an app. Transposed to the classroom, the IoT could unlock a lot of possibilities.

Interactive whiteboards would obviously be connected to the network, as would lights or heaters. But the IoT could offer even more exciting opportunities for schools, such as automated sharing of note-taking and teaching materials, or better management of school resources.

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4. Big Data, Blockchain, and Community

The education sector is already using Big Data to collect and analyze data from its students. Its use is becoming more and more intensive, especially to adapt educational materials and offer personalized support.

Teachers can also rely on data to track student engagement and modify their curriculum or offer them more relevant activities. From this perspective, data protection is a major issue. It will be addressed in particular via Blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology is used to secure diplomas, manage authentication and access to educational content. More generally, blockchain and its various Apps will continue to shape the future of EdTech. In particular, it will steer it towards an ever more community-based acceptance of education, especially online.

5. Immersive Learning

Immersive learning places the learner in an artificial environment simulating situations in which they can make use of the information they learn. In fact, this is far from a new invention and used to be done through role-playing, field trips, or the use of virtual simulations.

With the increasing accessibility of augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR), new possibilities are emerging. For a truly immersive learning experience, a VR headset should ideally be used.

These allow anyone to be immersed in any situation, from a great historical battle to the heart of a volcano. Augmented reality remains the most accessible option since most smartphones have good-quality cameras and large screens.

There are already many educational apps, and no doubt that with the rise of EdTech, the catalogue will continue to grow!

6. Video as an E-learning Medium

Video is increasingly used as a learning medium. Long ago, watching a video was synonymous with VHS and a big TV, but those days are long gone. Nowadays, most classrooms are equipped with video projectors and have an internet connection or, even better, an interactive board.

The advantages of video for learning are obvious. Among other things, it can be used to enrich or complete a lesson and to introduce certain concepts. Videos also help learners to concentrate, thus maximizing information retention.

It also allows the teacher to free up more time for other classroom needs. With the democratization of screens in classrooms, videos will become more and more important for lesson plans in the future.

7. Interactive Boards

Interactive whiteboards are an increasingly Popular solution. They help to combine the advantages of the traditional board with its digital cousin, for example, multimedia content. This interactivity opens up new possibilities for the inclusion of students with disabilities. It also stimulates learner engagement by placing them more at the center of the learning process.

Currently, interactive projectors are the most common, but these systems are already starting to age. So it seems that projectors are on the decline, leaving their place in classrooms around the world to interactive screens, definitely the new trend in EdTech.

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8. Accessibility

Education is finally becoming more inclusive and learners are playing an active role in their learning process. One of the most important elements of accessible Education is the use of technology as an aid for students with special needs. EdTech can really make a difference in different areas:

  • Audio recording and text-to-speech can help those with visual impairments or dyslexia.
  • Software and digitizing lessons can help those with learning disabilities or dyspraxia.
  • Video recordings allow the lesson to be restructured to meet the needs of those with behavioral or attentional disorders.
  • A hybrid learning program will better meet the needs of those with mobility impairments.
  • Interactive whiteboards can help to make classrooms more accessible by adding new multimedia options, interactive Software, and customizable resources.

9. Online Programs

With the growth of EdTech, and learning from the COVID-19 epidemic, online programs are bound to become more important. Whether they are complete courses or just a complement to face-to-face courses, the teaching material can be in various forms.

Top 11 EdTech Trends For 2023

They can take the form of PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, or interactive lessons on iOS apps prepared on a digital board. Other services, such as Google Classroom, for example, will allow teachers to create programs from scratch.

The great advantage of online courses is their flexibility, unlike the materials and textbooks used in the classroom.

Small updates can be made quickly and easily, no matter where you are or what materials you are using. Moreover, it is not only the teacher who benefits from this agility. The learner will be able to access the educational resources at any time for an ultra-personalized learning experience.

10. Educational Robotics

The use of algorithms, learning to program, and robotics allow students to become interested in new scientific professions. Educational robotics is an interdisciplinary learning environment based on using robots and electronic components.

It is used to enhance skill and competency development in children and adolescents. It is especially suitable for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines, although it may also be of interest to other fields such as linguistics, geography, and history.

11. Individualization of Learning

Another major trend in EdTech is the personalization and individualization of learning. From the use of video resources to online programs, a new approach is emerging. It is more flexible, scalable, and learner-centric.

Taking advantage of virtual classrooms, blended learning, and flipped classrooms is gaining popularity. Teachers who use new Tools, reach out to students with materials that are more tailored to their needs and expectations.

With the democratization of smartphones and laptops, it has never been easier for a learner to access learning materials. They can do so when and where they want, at their own pace. No doubt, teachers can compete to make the most of this new connectivity for the benefit of their lessons.

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Conclusion: The Role of EdTech

EdTech plays a prominent role in professional, educational, and online learning solutions. The industry is massive, with an ecosystem of exciting technologies and projects.

They are all aimed at improving education and online learning platforms. Trends such as AI, data, and analytics are key tools being implemented in several industries today.