None of your friends want to play video games with you any more, because you always win? It might be that you’ve got a real knack for gaming. Whilst for many of us our mother’s often told us you’d never make money playing video games, it turns out that they were wrong.
Although only the very elite gamers get to make a living playing games, more people than ever are boosting their income by taking their gaming hobby to the next level. If you think that you might have what it takes to kick your hobby up a gear, then keep reading for some helpful tips.
Invest in a Great Set Up
Just as an athlete wouldn’t perform in raggedy track pants, the true gaming professionals have a proper gaming set up. Depending on the kind of gaming you enjoy, you’ll want to tailor your set up to suit it.
For example, those who are aiming at becoming Esports champions might want to invest in a joy stick and multiple screens, whilst those who want to rise to the upper echelons of the poker world might rather want to invest in a high quality gaming chair and an ergonomically designed mouse.
You should of course be mindful of your budget when investing in your new gaming rig. Starting with a computer that’s easy to upgrade manually is a good idea for those working on a stricter budget. That way you can make improvements gradually instead of splashing out on something you can’t really afford.
Look For Content Aimed at Professionals
If you’re aiming to reach a professional level, then it only makes sense to treat yourself like one. There are plenty of forums that give insider information on video gaming and tutorials For example, if you enjoy casino gaming, then look for bonuses aimed at high rollers will ensure that you’re playing with the people at the top of their game. Vegas Slots Online is a website that features a whole section dedicated to bonuses and deals that will suit those who play in high roller games.
In this way you’ll be able to make the most of exclusive deals that will help your bottom line. For those playing games other than casino games, looking for Twitch streams that are aimed at advanced gamers, as well as forums that go into the intricacies of specific video games will make sure that you’re always one step ahead of the competition.
Practice Your Core Skills
Whilst it’s obviously important to get in lots of game time if you want to make it to the top, something few of us think about is practicing the individual skills that are key to the game. Just like you wouldn’t travel to France and immediately be able to speak fluently, you can’t start up a video game and be able to play perfectly immediately, it takes practice and a set of core skills. For French you’ll need to learn about verb conjugation, sentence structure and practice your vocabulary before you’re able to speak confidently.
With the video game of your choice you’ll might need to practice your hand eye coordination, work hard on your reaction times, improve your lateral thinking, or any number of other core skills. You’ll find that Esports stars don’t only spend hours and hours practising in game, they also put in the work on the skills that will help them gain those extra milliseconds of an advantage over the competition.
Live Like an Athlete
As well as training your mental skills and making sure your hands are reacting as quickly as your brain, you’ll also need to be in good health to achieve the best results. Your new gaming chair will be helping with the health of your back, but sitting still for long periods can still have undesirable effects.
Make plenty of time for stretching, making sure you get up and walk around for at least five minutes in every hour period. Yoga and pilates make a great break from gaming and not only will they help you stay soft and supple; they can also improve your mental state. If you’re approaching a tough gaming session, then it can be really helpful to feel your very best mentally.