Kids Should Be Switched From Toddler Bed To Full Bed At The Age of 2.5 Years

After all, they’ve been enjoying the comforts of a little bed all this period. We eliminated the risk of falling by keeping the platform close to the ground and installing side rails. When is the right time to upgrade to a twin bed, and is my kid ready? Our minds are boggled.

There is no hard and fast rule for when children should transition to a twin bed, just as there is no universal age at which we make other important decisions for them. Although some children stay in their toddler beds until they are five years old, others may have made the switch as early as 18 months.

Kids should be switched from toddler bed to full bed at the age of 2.5 years

As your child grows, one of the significant changes you’ll encounter is the transition from a crib to a bed. The question of when and how to make this switch often perplexes parents, especially when it comes to choosing the right type of bed.

Should your 2-year-old sleep in a full-size bed? What are the best bed options for toddlers? And how long should they stay in a toddler bed? This article will answer all these questions and more.

At What Age Should You Switch Your Child to a Big Kid Bed?

We recommend waiting until your child is at least 2.5 years old before making the transition to a big kid bed. I often quip that a youngster should stay in a crib until they become eighteen. This is essential for both your mental health and physical security, as it will help you better grasp the limits and guidelines within which you should sleep.

What sort of mischief could your kid make while you slept if you gave them unrestricted access to their bedroom (or the whole house)? Some parents will have to make the switch sooner than they’d like because their child climbed out.

This can lead to a whole host of problems like the kid staying up late talking to them, playing in their room when they should be sleeping, having trouble falling asleep, being overly fussy, and more.

Signs Your Toddler Is Ready

Try to see the signs that your child is ready for a bigger bed before you make the announcement. Is she unhappy in her toddler bed or just moaning that she needs more space? In order to match their newfound position as Big Kids.

Many toddlers express a desire for a bigger bed, often requesting a “Big Girl” or “Big Boy” bed. All of these things point toward your kid being ready for the next developmental phase.

Let Your Toddler Be Involved

Make sure your toddler is aware of the upcoming change by having a chat with him or her about it. Verify your child’s comprehension by having them repeat back what you said. The next exciting step is to go bed shopping!

The transition to a big kid bed can be smoother if you choose a crib that can be converted to a toddler bed and then a full size bed. If you’re planning on buying a new bed, it’s a good idea to let your kid help you choose the size, style, and even the linens and comforter.

Can a 2-Year-Old Sleep in a Full-Size Bed?

While it’s not uncommon for parents to transition their children into full-size beds around the age of 2, there are some key considerations to take into account:

Safety Concerns

A full-size bed is considerably higher than a toddler bed, and this might present a risk of falling. Make sure to install bed rails to prevent accidents.

Room Size

Consider whether a full-size bed will fit comfortably in your child’s room along with other furniture and play areas.

Toddler Readiness

Every child is different. Some may be ready to sleep in a bigger bed, while others may feel more secure in a smaller, cozier setting.

What Bed is Best for a 2-Year-Old?

Toddler Beds

Toddler beds are generally the same size as cribs, making the transition easier. They also come with safety rails and are lower to the ground, adding an extra layer of security.

Twin Beds

A twin bed is another suitable option. It offers more space than a toddler bed but is smaller than a full-size bed. Twin beds can also come with guardrails.

Full-Size Beds

A full-size bed can be a long-term investment, suitable for growing children. However, they take up more space and can be too high for a toddler without added safety features like bed rails.

How Long Do Kids Stay in Toddler Beds?

The lifespan of a toddler bed varies, but most children transition out of them between ages 5 and 7. It largely depends on the child’s growth and comfort level. Some kids outgrow toddler beds quickly, both in terms of size and developmental readiness.

What Age is a Full Bed Good For?

While there’s no strict age limit, most experts recommend transitioning to a full-size bed between ages 6 and 8. By this age, children are usually big enough to safely sleep in a full-size bed and may appreciate the additional space.

What Age Can Toddlers Share a Bed?

Sibling bed-sharing can start as early as age 4 for some children, but it’s generally more common and safer from age 6 onwards. Factors like individual sleep patterns, nighttime needs, and room space can influence this decision.


According to Jack Walsh, former executive director of The Danny Foundation, a group dedicated to crib and child-product safety. It is fine to let your toddler sleep in their crib past age 2 so long as you are attentive of safety.

However, as Walsh points out, the longer a baby stays in a crib. The more attached they develop to it, making it more difficult for them to make the switch to a toddler bed.

Choosing the right bed for your 2-year-old requires a thorough evaluation of various factors including safety, space, and the child’s individual readiness. While a full-size bed may offer a longer-term solution, it comes with its set of challenges and might not be suitable for every toddler.

Toddler beds and twin beds offer intermediate solutions that might work well for your child’s transition from a crib. Regardless of the choice you make, always prioritize safety features like bed rails to ensure a secure sleeping environment for your little one.

By understanding the nuances of different bed types and ages, you can make an informed decision that ensures both safety and comfort for your child.