Java Android Programming: Basics and Tips for Dummies

With almost 3 million applications on Google Play Store, everyone realizes that the job of a Java Android programmer is and will be in demand. Many people choose courses, while some pick to get a Master’s degree. Both ways are good, but what they may lack is some amazing recommendations for dummies from professionals.

Here, we present 12 such tips!

1. Get All the Help There Is

Very basic but true. Don’t try to do everything yourself if it’s too difficult. This usually leads to burnout and not wanting to proceed in the field at all. Ask professionals for tips and tricks, have consultations, pay someone to do your Java homework when absolutely needed.

Java Android Programming

This will help you keep the curiosity high and actually get more knowledge by looking at an amazing example.

2. Read Topical Articles

While technical articles given by your teachers are great and all, don’t forget about professional blogs. There, people share their experiences, give unusual recommendations that no one will teach you at university. You’ll get valuable insight into the job and its intricacies, and be always updated on the latest trends.

Besides, many developers have similar problems, and an article on overcoming them will save a lot of time and effort for you.

3. Never Stop Learning

When you get some basic experience, chances are you’ll think that’s enough and there’s nothing new. This is a common feeling, but don’t trust it. Always keep learning, try new techniques and applications, follow trends, ask for advice. This will make you known as a creative developer, which is always in demand.

4. Investigate the Platform

Be curious about the Android platform. Learn how the framework (JVM) acts with memory, component lifecycle, concurrency, and similar things. Know it from the inside, make it your friend. You’ll understand how every app works quickly if you know the inside part of the platform.

5. Start with a Well-Known Language

Start with a language that has a community. There, you will always be able to get recommendations and solutions for your problems. 

Make use of StackOverflow and make every assignment easy and every project more manageable.

6. Test Everything Multiple Times

Remember the importance of responsive design. This is a must-have for every application and every website. So, even if you think you don’t need it, try to test your app many times on different screens.

You never know when an application will shoot so far that thousands of people will start using it, creating demand. And this is when you have to be ready to accommodate a variety of screen resolutions and sizes.

7. Study the Market

Don’t forget to update your knowledge on the Android market. Learn about the competition in your field, the best developers thought leaders, etc. You have to be one of the first developers to notice a change in the market, where the demand grows, etc.

This will not only make you a better expert but actually get you more interesting projects.

8. Go for More Than One Language

Don’t stop on one language, diversify your skills to become a better programmer and earn more money and respect in the field. For Android, Java and XML are amazing options, but you don’t have to limit yourself to them.

9. Create an Amazing Portfolio

This is the best way to make a statement and show potential clients and your teachers what kind of programmer you are. Take time and include only the best works in your folder. Talk about your skills in a creative way.

Make sure everything in the portfolio is original and one of a kind. Give it time, don’t try to build something super-special after a month of learning. It’s better to write down ideas and evolve them into projects.

10. Don’t Underestimate Comments

Never try to remember everything without writing it down. Ideas come and go, and it’s common. Never underestimate the power of clear comments you put in the code. Write understandable and concise comments, avoid code languages if you’re not sure you’ll remember what the sentence means.

11. Always Practice

You can watch 20 video tutorials with every bit of information chewed for you, and it won’t be as effective as several hours of practice. You’ll get the best expertise not by reading about techniques but by trying them out and seeing how they work.

Java Android Programming Tips

When you acquire new knowledge, always put it to practice. Create small projects, write bits of code you will be able to use later in a larger app. As a result, you’ll become a better professional and have better grades overall.

12. Create Your Style

There are thousands of Android Java developers, but only those who have their unique style become great. Make sure your applications are known for their design and convenience. Think about the things (design elements, functions, etc.) that you would enjoy, and base your style on them.

Use these recommendations, go slow and steady, and all the perks will come when they have to. You will build your first great app, develop a unique style, learn new programming languages, and will always have the developer community for the times when you need advice.

Give yourself enough time to rest and keep the curiosity about the field of Android Java programming burning! With a passion for what you do, you’ll always be motivated!