Picture yourself being strictly forbidden from ever again agreeing with someone in Spanish by just saying “s'”
Have you given in to panic yet? Is there any cause for alarm yet? Friends, please don’t worry. So, We from Spring Spanish is here to help you out by teaching you zece formas de decir s sin dicionar s en espaol (Six ways to say “yes” without saying “yes” in Spanish).
Here are the Guide “How Do You Say Yes in Spanish?”
If you want to sound more refined when speaking Spanish, try this! Keep reading till the conclusion, since I have some affirmative slang for every country you may be in as well:
1. ¡Claro!
When making an affirmative assertion in Spanish, this phrase can be used, or the phrase “claro que s” can be used instead. It’s a shorthand for expressing agreement that someone has grasped your meaning.
You might respond, “claro que s, paso por la tienda de dulces en el camino” (of course yes, I’ll pass by the candy shop on the way) if a buddy asked if you could pick up some snacks on the way to the movies.
Oh, by the way (por cierto), you can also say no with claro que no, but that’s off-topic.
2. ¡Por Supuesto!
Of course is the closest direct translation. To state something is obvious or certain is a typical occurrence. Example? When asked if they had already signed up for Spring Spanish, they responded, “Pfff, por supuesto! Have you subscribed to Spring Spanish yet? A waste of time (of course!).
3. ¿Cómo no?
A good translation of this passage is “how could it not be?” , “how could I have not?” also, it’s a nice way to say “yes” to a request. In other words, utilise this one to signal your attitude toward a favour or a request.
- May I please have a glass of water? Can I get a drink of water, please? ¿Cómo no?
- Aquí tienes (Of course I did. Here it is)
4. Perfecto
Simply put, this has the meaning “Perfect.” It’s not too hard, right? It can be used in the same way as the English word “perfect” when something sounds like a good plan, such as when your friend suggests meeting at the pub around the corner on Saturday night at 8 o’clock if that works for you.
5. De Acuerdo
De acuerdo, meaning “I concur,” is the most formal response out of the five possible choices. It is appropriate for use in a professional setting, such as a negotiation or commercial agreement.
For instance:
- Señor, ¿quiere enviarle este lamborghini a Juan El Profesor? (Sir, do you want to send this Lamborghini to Juan the Teacher?)
- De acuerdo. (I agree.)
6. ¡Plomo!
A common Venezuelan expression is “Plomo! …(literally, lead, as with bullets)… We can’t deny that the phrase made its way into popular culture in Venezuela as a way to signify that a decision has been made and an agreement has been reached, but I’m not proud of its roots in the gang mentality, where lead or bullets signified business.
Words to such effect:
- Shall we learn Spanish? Should (We) Learn Spanish?
- The cries of “Plomo!” (Lead!)
Final Words
Awesome! You may now communicate effectively without ever having to use the letter S! You should also learn various expressions for No. that use “claro que s.”